How I got into the hobby

I got started in Amateur Radio in Junior High when my dad took my brother Don and I to the St. Petersburg, Florida Red Cross building to take Ham Radio classes that they were offering. The instructor, Andy, was great and really made learning the hobby a pleasure. I ended up having to perform in a piano recital on the night they were giving the test so I did not get my license at that point.
Years later, while working at Newsradio 970 WFLA in Tampa, one of our engineers, Paul Sliwa (KB4VC) encouraged me to study again and get my license. I took his advice and did it. I got my Novice ticket as KC4JQD (with 5 wpm code) in 1990. Paul even loaned me a rig for awhile so I could get on the air.
I was active in Tampa Bay in the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society and with ARES/RACES. I kept studying to work my way up to the next license class which I did in 1991. I passed my Technician class exam and was granted the callsign N4XRO.
In 1993 I had worked my code speed up to around 13 words per minute and passed the General Class exam.
In 2004 I moved to Burbank, California and over the past few years I’ve started to become more involved in the hobby with the local ARESLAX group and having fun trying out different aspects of the hobby.
During the global pandemic I began studying for my Extra class exam and took the test and passed it in May of 2020.